June 26, 2012

Max Keiser is a Fraud

Max Keiser is a character played by someone else wearing obvious facial latex prosthetics.  No one can dispute he is a great actor, jumping around like a monkey, spewing obvious statements about the Wall Street corruption, but one thing that is a clear give-away is that he never talks about the real hidden hand behind the Wall Street and the bankers.  No, it's always Goldman Sachs all the time.  Has he never heard of the Rothschilds?  Or Rockefellers?  Or Greenbergs?  Come on, Max, 'fess up, showtime is over, now that you're in jail, it would seem rather fitting, even though it is all a pretend exercise.

Timothy Maxwell (Max) Keiser has duped thousands, if not millions of people with his gold and silver fear-mongering schemes (the Greeks seem to like him).  They and many others are quick to point out how badly corrupted the current banking system is, and how a new system is going to replace it, but isn't that the plan anyway?  Certainly from an Illuminist perspective!  The world elite already know they are going to replace the small banks – with a huge centralized one world bank.  So what are Max and Stacy really saying?  Well, of course, they are not only stating the obvious but also preparing us for their version of events they and their masters have already planned for us.  A new digital currency banking system.  And they really push the Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) agenda, for some strange and obviously unrelated-to-precious-metals reason.  Anyone care for some Carbon Credits or Population Reduction?

And what of the connection to the Lutheran Church in Milwaukee?  My feeling is that this is only scratching the surface of a much wider conspiracy aimed at creating chaos within this religious organization that stretches across the U.S. and Canada.  This Lutheran group believes that the Pope is the Antichrist, and are about as fundamentalist as you can get without playing with poisonous snakes and speaking in tongues...

Below is a link to a Vimeo video of Joel Hochmuth speaking at the 2009 WELS convention.  The similarity of the voice to Max Kaiser's is striking!


John McCain is Fonzi, Henry Winkler

They've really jumped the shark this time!  I remember pieces of his face falling off, and when the media blamed it on his cancer symptoms, and some conspiracy sites blamed it on his "reptilian" shapeshifting, I knew that the whole character that is John McCain was fake.  But Ed Chiarini, aka Dallasgoldbug, has provided the photographic evidence to prove that the Arizona senator is a fake character portrayed by Henry Winkler.

If you've ever seen John McCain speaking and walking, the similarities to Winkler's mannerisms are self-evident, once the connection is made.  In September 2011, Winkler was made an honorary Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) "for services to children with special educational needs and dyslexia in the UK.  Here is Henry Winkler speaking recently about his dyslexia:  

According to the Huffington Post, "McCain is the first U.S. senator to publicly call for a military attack on Assad's regime. During his floor remarks, he said more than 7,500 lives have been lost in Syria amid the uprising and that the United Nations has declared Syrian security forces guilty of crimes against humanity."  

I suppose that McCain has not read my post on Assad's ties to the CIA.

Let's discuss the ramifications.  McCain is just another fake actor puppet, employed by his masters to spit out propaganda in support of more war, more death, more destruction.  I wonder if Henry Winkler has any moral conscience.  The nerve of him pretending to get a kick out of going to schools and talking to children about his dyslexia, and then putting on the facial latex for his role as McCain, and calling for military airstrikes on innocent children.  That's one twisted criminal mind.

I'm sure there are hundreds of Patriot websites that would know what to do with this type of intelligence information on a character for who they have questioned the veracity of his Vietnam-era war stories.

Henry Winkler is also a Vietnam war vet, not in real life, but in a 1977 movie, Heroes.  He did produce an awesome show in MacGyver, I have to give him credit for that at least...

June 25, 2012

Jerry Sandusky is played by Kevin Costner

With the amount of media coverage being given to the Jerry Sandusky drama currently in the news, it occurred to me that this could just be another fake media production.  And Ed Chiarini, aka Dallasgoldbug has completely confirmed without a shred of a shadow of a doubt that the true identity of Jerry Sandusky is Kevin Costner.

Simply indisputable photographic evidence.

Another football coach?  We've got the Breitbart/John Fox character, and then the Tom Landry/Pope John Paul 2 character, and now it's Jerry Sandusky / Kevin Costner.

Kevin Costner has claimed that Princess Diana was all "set to star in The Bodyguard 2".  Interesting because we know that the actor that played Princess Diana currently plays the role of UK radio host, Linda Joslin, and also Jean Broke-Smith, the queen of etiquette.


Eric Margolis, Jamieson Laboratories, and The International Institute for Strategic Studies

I often scan the radio airwaves for those morning talk shows that are secretly ultra-right-wing, as are the majority of media gauntlets in this country we call Canada.  I noticed that a certain journalist/reporter named Eric Margolis gets an awful lot of airtime on his "reporting" on the events in the Middle East and around the world.  So I decided to do a little digging today.

I couldn't access his site, ericmargolis.com, and even the cached copy of his site on Google is difficult to parse.  His twitter feed is active, and his coverage on Egypt's first election is being promoted right now....

Wikipedia doesn't know whether Eric Margolis was born in 1942 or 1943.  That seems odd right to begin with.  He was born in America, in New York City to his parents, Henry M. Margolis, and Nexhmie Zaimi, an American-Albanian. His father was a New York businessman, restaurant owner, theatrical producer and investor, while his mother was a journalist and author.

Jamieson Laboratories is a privately owned business.  It is owned by none other than the aforementioned best selling author, journalist and broadcaster, Eric Margolis.   Established in 1922, Jamieson Laboratories is Canada's largest manufacturer and distributor of advanced natural health-care products. With more than 350 employees, Jamieson's state-of-the-art pharmaceutical manufacturing laboratories are located in Windsor, Ontario. The company is a world leader in the vitamin and nutrition industry, exporting to over 30 countries including the USA, China, Japan, Hong Kong, Korea, Singapore and many Middle Eastern nations.

Eric Margolis is affiliated with THE INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR STRATEGIC STUDIES located at Arundel House, in the Temple District of central London.  It is a think tank for international relations, and a leading authority on global political-military conflict.

Make no mistake, the IISS is not a benign organization.  It helped to sell the Iraq War by producing the dossier on fake Weapons of Mass Destruction.

IISS played a key role in furnishing the pretexts for the invasion of Iraq by publishing a dossier on Iraqi WMDs, on 9 September 2002, which was edited by Gary Samore, formerly of the US State Department, and presented by Dr John Chipman, a former NATO fellow.The dossier was immediately seized on by Bush and Blair administrations as providing "proof" that Saddam was just months away from launching a chemical and biological, or even a nuclear attack. Large parts of the IISS document were subsequently recycled in the now notorious Downing Street dossier, published with a foreword by the Prime Minister, the following week. - The Independent, 2004

Unlike the British Government, IISS later claimed it made mistakes in its dossier about the extent of the Iraqi threat. It commissioned an independent assessment by Rolf Ekeus, a former head of United Nations arms inspectors in Iraq. Samore and Chipman now claim their dossier had caveats about Iraq's supposed WMD arsenal which the Government insisted on removing from intelligence assessments - leading to "sexing up" accusations. However, in his interview with BBC on the day of the publication of the report, such caveats are conspicuously absent.

The IISS has also pushed for the bombing of Iran.  In April 2006 The Institute was involved in briefing the media in which the BBC reported that Iran was 'on course' to develop nuclear weapons in 'three years'.  Upon being challenged, the Institute backed down slightly.  On 12 September 2007, IISS once again suggested Iran could have a nuclear weapon by 2009-2010, an estimate which is shared neither by the IAEA or US intelligence.  It also went on to issue unsubstantiated warnings of a threat from a new and deadlier al-Qaida.

Also from Wikispooks:
For its first 30 years IISS received no government funds and was supported by American foundations with an interest in maintaining US hegemony over its European allies.  The Institute was founded on an initial donation of $150,000 from the Ford Foundation to fund it for its first three years and between 1959 and 1979 it received a further $1.4 million from the Ford Foundation.  The Rockefeller Foundation also provided funding in the Institute's early years, reportedly donating £3,500 in 1960 and £44,600 in 1964.

In 1979 IISS sought government funding for the first time in order to support its move from its Adam Street offices to ‘a four-floor building on one of the many corners of Tavistock Street’. According to the Institute the funds were provided by “democratic governments”.  Later when IISS again moved offices to its current location at Arundel House it reportedly received £100,000 from the Foreign Office.
In 1981 IISS received $2.5 from the Ford Foundation towards the setting up of a capital fund.
In 1985 the MacArthur Foundation donated $200,000 to IISS.

Eric Margolis is often credited with having the inside information on world leaders and world events.  His mother's ties to the OSS, CIA-predecessor, and experience as a journalist, combined with his own membership in an organization that has negatively affected the course of humanity, would well explain his sources.  Combine that with his ubiquitous strangle-hold on the morning talk shows and other outlets that spit out laughable coverage of Middle East and world events, this very likely counter intelligence operation that is Eric Margolis begins to unravel.

If he actually responded to emails and his website worked properly, perhaps he could provide some answers... For example, on why he didn't know the true identity of the current PM of Pakistan?

June 21, 2012

The REAL Indiana Jones: Graham Hancock

Graham Hancock is a well-known researcher, talented writer, and articulate speaker.  His body of work has been first class and altogether forms a textbook introduction to Alternate History. 


"... and this led me to conclude... that academic history... is part of an overall system of... mind control" - From the video interview with Joe Rogan below.
As a trained journalist, not only does he seem to be a walking encyclopedia, but he is willing to accept he is completely wrong with regard to his major premises, and that is a sign of a true scientist.  His books are intriguing reads just for the lucid writing, let alone the magical story-line of human origins he weaves together with his travel adventures around the world.

Here he speaks with Joe Rogan (who has questionable ties to actors associated with persons illustrated on this blog); nonetheless; there is much to be absorbed here for our benefit.  Please sit back and enjoy!

He had also been interviewed by that fraudster, David Wilcock, at one point as well and you can see that when David starts goofing off, Graham would have none of it and steer back the discussion to a more intellectual focus.  The intention of David here is to control the information by associating with Hancock and generating credibility for himself.  I hope you are not fooled.

David Wilcock is a Fraud, aka Gary Johnson

David Wilcock is a fraud.  The actor that plays the David Wilcock character is also the actor that plays Gary Johnson, the former two-term Governor of New Mexico and who recently ran for the 2012 presidential campaign.  

The biographical information on David Wilcock on his own site is suspiciously sparse just like the Wikipedia page.  But we do have quite a bit of information on Gary Johnson, a businessman who made it big in construction in New Mexico, then went on to spend his time climbing mountains.  No, seriously, it's right there on the Wikipedia page:
"Johnson is an avid triathlete who bikes extensively and abstains from all recreational drug use, caffeine, alcohol, and some sugar products. During his term in office, he competed in several triathlons, marathons and bike races. He competed three times (1993, 1997, 1999) as celebrity invitee at the Ironman World Championship in Hawaii, registering his best time for the 2.4-mile (3.9 km) swim, 112-mile (180 km) bike ride, and 26.2-mile (42.2 km) marathon run in 1999 with 10 hours, 39 minutes and 16 seconds.  He once ran 100 miles (160 km) in 30 consecutive hours in the Rocky Mountains.  On May 30, 2003, he reached the summit of Mount Everest "despite toes blackened with frostbite."  He has also climbed three more of the Seven Summits: Mount Elbrus,Mount McKinley, and Mount Kilimanjaro—the tallest peaks in Europe, North America, and Africa respectively. On October 12, 2005, Johnson was involved in a near fatal paragliding accident when his wing got caught in a tree and he fell approximately 50 feet to the ground. Johnson suffered multiple bone fractures, including a burst fracture to his T12 vertebrae, a broken rib, and a broken knee.  He used medicinal marijuana for pain control from 2005 to 2008"
 I suspect a lot of lies mixed with truth here, but I'm sure the medical marijuana part is true.  How else would his other character, Wilcock, come up with so many bizarre theories in the last few years?  Especially, the one about being the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce.  LOL.  Here are some more of Wilcock's claims:

- He said the ascension was going to happen by the year 2000
- He claims to be Ra, Edgar Cayce and Pythagoras reincarnate
- He said we would experience first contact in October 2008, and that full disclosure would happen by the end of 2009
- He associates with Project Camelot and now Benjamin Fulford, who have almost zero credibility to anyone who has been studying fringe/conspiracy topics for more than a couple of years
- His books simply rehash old information that has been floating around on the internet and in books released over the past two+ decades, that, again, any conspiracy researcher who is not a total noob has already read before.

In this video clip, Alex Jones, also a fraud, is interviewing Gary Johnson, and you can easily tell that this is the same voice as David Wilcock.  They do a great job of concealing his physical appearance, but in this instance, they did a poor job of disguising the voice, as they usually do when Gary Johnson had made speeches (tone is lower).

Compare the voice to David's in his popular "2012 Enigma video"

And we will conclude this post with information that this actor also played Bradley Manning (they used older photos of him when he was younger) and that his real name is Joshua Frederici:

June 20, 2012

Coast To Coast AM George Noory is also Gilani, Prime Minister of Pakistan

Yesterday, the Prime Minister of Pakistan, Yusuf Raza Gilani, was declared ineligible for office by the Supreme Court, leaving the position of PM vacant.


And coming up this Saturday June 23, 2012, George Noory will be hosting a live event in Toronto, Canada.  So what's the connection?  They are the same person!

OK, so even though you have the photographic evidence above, you may be thinking that this is impossible.  But let's explore this a little further.  If we can establish that George Noory is a fraud, then perhaps it won't be a stretch to suggest that he could be a member of the opposition, a member of this cabal of actors that are working to deceive the rest of humanity. 

Here is a recorded radio segment in which George Noory is busted on live radio and then there is a section of the audio in which Art Bell reveals some interesting things about Noory and the takeover of Coast to Coast by Premiere Networks.

The voices are similar enough, and obviously, this actor is a flawless bilingual.  Here he is pleading before the Court in Pakistan.

We've established that George Noory on Coast To Coast AM is not what he seems to be.  We've established that the newly ousted Prime Minister of Pakistan is contributing to increased tensions with the US and with obstructing justice in Pakistan.  The motives are not clear but we can be sure they relate to benefiting this actor's employers, The Family, in that region of the world, and there is the Chicago connection to Obama.  I'm sure there is more to this story yet to be discovered...

Sarah Palin and Tina Fey are played by Jennifer Greenberg Sexton

Jennifer Greenberg Sexton plays Sonya Truthergirl, Joe Biden's late mom - Jean Biden, Gabrielle Giffords, and other characters...


All credit goes to Ed Chiarini, aka Dallasgoldbug for bringing this to light.  You can check out more at wellaware1.com.

June 18, 2012

Muammar Gaddafi was played by David Paterson

David Paterson, former Governor of New York played the role of Muammar Gaddafi.  

The tyrannical autocrat was educated at the prestigious Sandhurst facility in Britain...or was he?  If you read the Wikipedia page on him, you will see that editors make a point of establishing that he was not trained there.  But why would they do this?  Think about it.  The writer(s) are reinforcing a negative statement, so it's fairly easy to determine that this is an important point for the editors or writers of the page:
"Gaddafi entered the Royal Libyan Military Academy at Benghazi in 1961, and graduated in 1966. Both towards the end of his course and after graduation, Gaddafi pursued further studies in Europe. False rumours have been propagated with regards to this part of his life, for example, that he attended the United Kingdom's Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. He did in fact receive four months' further military training in the United Kingdom in advanced communications as a Signals officer, and spent four months in London." - WIKIPEDIA
So, let me guess this straight.  He did not specifically attend training at Sandhurst, a notorious academy that produces many world leaders, particularly from developing countries with autocratic regimes, who have maintained strong historical, post-colonial relationships with the United Kingdom. Amongst them are:

Bahrain - Shaikh Hamad Aal-Khalifa (King of Bahrain)
Brunei - Hassanal Bolkiah (Sultan of Brunei), Prince Azim, (the son of the Sultan of Brunei)
Jordan - Abdullah II (King of Jordan), Princess Aisha of Jordan (Sister of King Abdullah), Princess Iman of Jordan (Sister of King Abdullah)
Oman - Sultan Qaboos of Oman (Attained the rank of General serving in British army, went home and overthrew his father to become Sultan)
Kuwait - Sheikh Saad Al Abdullah Al Sabah, Emir of Kuwait
Qatar - Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani (Emir of Qatar), Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani (Crown Prince of Qatar)
Saudi Arabia - HRH Prince Mutaib bin Abdullah (Saudi Arabia, the son of the current king), HRH Prince Mishal Bin Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz (Saudi Arabia, the son of the current king)
United Arab Emirates - Sheikh Mohammad bin Zayed Al Nahyan (UAE, the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi), Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammad Al Maktoum (UAE, the Crown Princeof Dubai)
Pakistan - Iskander Mirza (First President of Pakistan), Mohammad Ayub Khan (President of Pakistan, attained rank of Field Marshall in British Army)

So, how likely do you think this would be true, this negative statement that he did not attend training at this specific institution?  Does it matter?  Of course not.  The point is that Britain trained this butcher, so Wikipedia is seen to be the bogus website that it is.  I mean, how can all of this background on Gaddafi be true if he is actually just an actor played by former Governor of New York, David Paterson?

Bread and circuses:  Gaddafi was famous for his female bodyguards.  The Amazonian Guard (also "the Amazons") was an unofficial name given by Western journalists to an all-female elite cadre of bodyguards officially known as "The Revolutionary Nuns", and sometimes also unofficially called "the Green Nuns", tasked with protecting the former leader of Libya.  Gaddafi would usually travel with fifteen of his Amazonian Guards.

One thing to note that as we view Gaddafi in the 1970s, it seems that the younger version of him is somewhat different than the more recent one in the days before his "death", so I would venture to suggest that at some point he had been replaced by the character portrayed by Paterson...

June 15, 2012

VP Joe Biden is Jimmy Page

OMG!!  This is a total shocker!  The Vice-President of the United States of America is none other than the legendary guitarist for Led Zeppelin.... Are you kidding me?  This can't be right.  No way, it's just impossible... (These were my initial feelings).  So I had to look into this a bit further and with careful analysis, I have to concede the obvious... that it is true.  There are just too many coincidences, as you will see with his association with Jesse Ventura (a.k.a. General Ray Odierno) and with Jennifer Greenberg Sexton (a.k.a. Sarah Palin/Tina Fey).

JIMMY PAGE was probably the greatest guitarist who ever lived, said Johnny Ramone.  "As a producer, composer, and guitarist he helped make Led Zeppelin a prototype for countless future rock bands, and was one of the major driving forces behind the rock sound of that era, influencing a host of other guitarists." - (Classic Rock Magazine, December 2007)...."just about every rock guitarist from the late '60s/early '70s to the present day has been influenced by Page's work with Led Zeppelin" - (Greg Prato, Allmusic, November 2008).

The Ears Are Identical

Jimmy Page and Jesse Ventura
Here is Joe Biden and General Ray Odierno
in Iraq on August 30, 2010.  Both are actors.

June 14, 2012

Lady Gaga is JonBenet Ramsay and Amy Winehouse

Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta, known by her stage name Lady Gaga, is an American singer and songwriter.  But she also plays the role of Alexis Krauss of Sleigh Bells, Occupy Protester, Jo Calderone, Kreayshawn, Lil' Debbie, and probably many other roles because of her exceptionally gifted talent.  She is one of the "family", cousin to the Greenbergs and Sextons.

June 12, 2012

David Icke is Sir Richard Branson, or vice versa...

This is the ultimate operation in CONTROLLED OPPOSITION.
A member of "The Family".  One of the opposition.  An enemy of humanity.  YOUR ENEMY.  
A young David Icke has the EXACT same mole on his face as the young Richard Branson.  For photographic proof just Google it.


When Jeff Rense was exposed as a fraud by Henry Makow, David Icke came to his defense.  Why would he come to the defense of a proven fraudster?  Of course, because they are members of the same cabal, the same family.  


To clarify:  The actor that played the role of the Princess is still alive.  We are dealing here with an actor who plays many roles.  The evidence is the ear.  It is the same in all 5 individuals identified:

Princess Diana - You know who she was
Diane Downs - Infamous criminal
Linda Joslin - UK radio host
Jean Broke-Smith - Etiquette expert
Kathleen Sebelius - Former governor of Kansas

There are a lot of things that the actor behind the persona of Diana was hiding, and during this interview she is desperately trying to tell us.  You must read between the lines and watch her eyes.  And listen closely to her voice.  You will see...


Thanks to Ed Chiarini, aka Dallasgoldbug, we know that Diana currently plays the role of UK radio host, Linda Joslin:


And in a case that spread fear and confusion to small towns across America, Diana played the character of Diane Downs, who was found guilty of killing her own small children.  Totally fake.


And in her latest role, she plays the Queen of Etiquette, Jean Broke-Smith.  Tone and pitch of voice is disguised but the thorough pronunciation of the trailing consonants is distinctly Diana.  And of course, the ears are 100% unmistakable.  Gotcha!

June 11, 2012

Drew Barrymore plays Jamie Radtke

As a sequel to my previous post on the Barrymore family connection to the other handful of families that run everything, not only was her great uncle a paid actor, but of course, as you may have suspected, she herself is in on the gig.  What do you think the going rate would be for impersonating a fictitious character running for the United States Senate?  No, that's not a relevant question.  These people have more money than God Himself, so they do this out of boredom, perhaps?  Yes, that must be part of it.

Here is "Jamie Radtke" explaining her very religious life story including the part about praying for 40 days about whether to run for the US Senate seat for Virginia.  Aaay-men!

And then you can compare her voice with Drew Barrymore's more recent interviews on her upcoming movie, "Big Miracle", and it's a perfect match but this time without the Aaay-men!

Like her great uncle, she is intimately connected with the British, and with Lucy Liu.  As we see HERE. Prince Charles may just turn out to be the third actor in this photo...

Winston Churchill was a Fictitious Character

And Drew Barrymore should be the first to tell you. 

On second thought, I guess she would be the last person to spill these beans, even though, it was her great uncle, Lionel Barrymore, who played the role of Winston Churchill.