June 12, 2012

David Icke is Sir Richard Branson, or vice versa...

This is the ultimate operation in CONTROLLED OPPOSITION.
A member of "The Family".  One of the opposition.  An enemy of humanity.  YOUR ENEMY.  
A young David Icke has the EXACT same mole on his face as the young Richard Branson.  For photographic proof just Google it.


When Jeff Rense was exposed as a fraud by Henry Makow, David Icke came to his defense.  Why would he come to the defense of a proven fraudster?  Of course, because they are members of the same cabal, the same family.  


  1. David Icke=Richard Branson=David Duke?

  2. The unanswered question is why?

    1. That should be easy enough to answer. Keep digging. What else happened in 1776 besides the "American Revolution"? Check out Adam Weishaupt.

  3. And the next, just as obvious, unanswered question is, how are you qualified to say so? Why should we believe you any more than "them"?

  4. There is nothing to believe, and no professional qualification required. Do you have eyes? Then that's all you need. Just look at the young Richard Branson and the young David Icke and then tell me they are not the same person... Google it yourself.

  5. If you don't know why they do what they do,...then please do a search on YouTube about NWO new world

  6. Also see at least 7 videos about Illumanti,.......things will start making sense.
