June 18, 2012

Muammar Gaddafi was played by David Paterson

David Paterson, former Governor of New York played the role of Muammar Gaddafi.  

The tyrannical autocrat was educated at the prestigious Sandhurst facility in Britain...or was he?  If you read the Wikipedia page on him, you will see that editors make a point of establishing that he was not trained there.  But why would they do this?  Think about it.  The writer(s) are reinforcing a negative statement, so it's fairly easy to determine that this is an important point for the editors or writers of the page:
"Gaddafi entered the Royal Libyan Military Academy at Benghazi in 1961, and graduated in 1966. Both towards the end of his course and after graduation, Gaddafi pursued further studies in Europe. False rumours have been propagated with regards to this part of his life, for example, that he attended the United Kingdom's Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. He did in fact receive four months' further military training in the United Kingdom in advanced communications as a Signals officer, and spent four months in London." - WIKIPEDIA
So, let me guess this straight.  He did not specifically attend training at Sandhurst, a notorious academy that produces many world leaders, particularly from developing countries with autocratic regimes, who have maintained strong historical, post-colonial relationships with the United Kingdom. Amongst them are:

Bahrain - Shaikh Hamad Aal-Khalifa (King of Bahrain)
Brunei - Hassanal Bolkiah (Sultan of Brunei), Prince Azim, (the son of the Sultan of Brunei)
Jordan - Abdullah II (King of Jordan), Princess Aisha of Jordan (Sister of King Abdullah), Princess Iman of Jordan (Sister of King Abdullah)
Oman - Sultan Qaboos of Oman (Attained the rank of General serving in British army, went home and overthrew his father to become Sultan)
Kuwait - Sheikh Saad Al Abdullah Al Sabah, Emir of Kuwait
Qatar - Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani (Emir of Qatar), Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani (Crown Prince of Qatar)
Saudi Arabia - HRH Prince Mutaib bin Abdullah (Saudi Arabia, the son of the current king), HRH Prince Mishal Bin Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz (Saudi Arabia, the son of the current king)
United Arab Emirates - Sheikh Mohammad bin Zayed Al Nahyan (UAE, the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi), Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammad Al Maktoum (UAE, the Crown Princeof Dubai)
Pakistan - Iskander Mirza (First President of Pakistan), Mohammad Ayub Khan (President of Pakistan, attained rank of Field Marshall in British Army)

So, how likely do you think this would be true, this negative statement that he did not attend training at this specific institution?  Does it matter?  Of course not.  The point is that Britain trained this butcher, so Wikipedia is seen to be the bogus website that it is.  I mean, how can all of this background on Gaddafi be true if he is actually just an actor played by former Governor of New York, David Paterson?

Bread and circuses:  Gaddafi was famous for his female bodyguards.  The Amazonian Guard (also "the Amazons") was an unofficial name given by Western journalists to an all-female elite cadre of bodyguards officially known as "The Revolutionary Nuns", and sometimes also unofficially called "the Green Nuns", tasked with protecting the former leader of Libya.  Gaddafi would usually travel with fifteen of his Amazonian Guards.

One thing to note that as we view Gaddafi in the 1970s, it seems that the younger version of him is somewhat different than the more recent one in the days before his "death", so I would venture to suggest that at some point he had been replaced by the character portrayed by Paterson...


  1. Hey X,

    hope you don't mind me posting your work at ConspiracyCulture.com Keep up the good fight! :)

  2. No problemo, dude. Please, feel free to distribute far and wide...

  3. What happened? George Noory told you to remove my link? LOL. I guess your site is now exposed. I realize it is too late to cancel the George Noory live event now that you know he is a fraud, but you could come clean. Instead, you removed my link. Very telling indeed. Feel free to correct me if you think I'm wrong.

  4. they're trying to do the same thing with assad now. i think that's why they're flooding europe with so many immigrants. because they're trying to get them to support invading syria and taking out assad under the guise that the immigrants will go back to syria once assad is gone.
