October 13, 2016

Trump's VP Michael Pence is Hillary's son, Patrick Cassidy

Michael Pence is Patrick Cassidy

That means Donald Trump's VP running mate is Hillary Clinton's biological son!

See with your own eyes...

And look at that.... Shirley Jones mother is indeed Shirley Temple, the legend herself.  And as Ed Chiarini explains, most likely a spy. Keeping it all in the family.


  1. But wikipedia states that Shirley Temple was born in 1928 and Shirley Jones was born in 1934 so how could she be her mother?

    1. And you believe anything on Wikipedia because....? They tend to make actors look older than they are because that is easier than making them look younger than they are, and they can get more use out of them over time.

    2. James, something is up with dallasgoldbug's recent video "A Chartered Reality". Listen to the voice, it is NOT Ed, it is someone who is trying to sound like Ed. He even uses the same type of grammar, pauses and sounds similar, but is absolutely not Ed. Any idea what's going on? Has Ed C. been taken over or compromised? Thanks.

  2. Looky Looky Here... Shirley Temple with Uncle Adi.

  3. it gets even funnyer when you look at hugh rodham (born 1950), brother of hillary clinton, who looks similar to ron masak, who plays donald trump.
