February 23, 2016

Patrick Brown, Leader of Ontario PC played by comedian Christopher Titus

Patrick Brown, the recently elected Leader of the Opposition in the Ontario Legislature, Leader of the Progressive Conservative Party, is a FRAUD.  He is simply an actor that also plays Christopher Titus, the comedian from California.


Patrick Brown was elected Leader of the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario on May 9, 2015.  He ran on a platform of Party renewal, promising to grow the Party to over 100,000 members from every walk of life and every corner of the province.  A bigger Party, firmly rooted in every neighbourhood of every community in Ontario, is key to reconnecting the PC Party with the people of the province before the next provincial election.

Also critical, is reshaping the Party to give members a stronger voice in setting its priorities; and growing, training and nurturing a powerful, province-wide network of candidates, riding associations, volunteers and activists ready to compete and win in 107 ridings whenever the next election is called.

One of three children in a close family, Patrick often credits his parents with teaching him the values and principles – including his work ethic – that have guided his career.  His interest in politics began while growing up in Toronto.  He served as a Vice President on the executive of the PC Party of Ontario and also served two terms as President of the Progressive Conservative Youth Federation (PCYF).

Patrick was first elected to Barrie City Council in 2000 and was re-elected in 2003 with 72% of the vote.  In 2006, he beat an incumbent Liberal cabinet minister in the federal election and became the Member of Parliament for Barrie.  He was re-elected in 2008 and 2011, each time increasing his share of the vote.

In 2011, Patrick was named Chair of the GTA and Central Ontario Caucus. This role allowed him to grow strong relationships with business and community leaders across Ontario.  He was also Chairman of the Canada-India Parliamentary Association and has made 15 trips to India, building relations with one of the world’s fastest growing economies.

Patrick has worked hard to build partnerships with people, groups, corporations, governments and organizations – both at home and abroad – establishing connections that allow him to better serve his constituents and to rebuild Ontario as Premier.  As a result, Patrick was named an honorary citizen of Gujarat by India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi, then Chief Minister of Gujarat. Patrick is also one of two honorary firefighters in the Province of Ontario, a testament to his commitment to working with the men and women who keep Ontarians safe.

An alumni of St. Michael's College School in Toronto, Patrick studied political science at the University of Toronto before earning his LL.B from the University of Windsor. Prior to his first election, Patrick ran a law practice in downtown Barrie. Functional in French, Patrick also attended l’Université du Québec à Trois Rivières for extensive French studies.

As a marathon runner and an avid hockey and tennis player, Patrick has combined his passion for sports and public service to make Canada and Ontario a better place to live and work.  Patrick’s dedication to enhancing healthcare access has seen him help raise nearly $2 million dollars for the Royal Victoria Hospital in Barrie and charities, including JDRF, Autism Ontario, ALS Canada, Busby Street Centre, Talk is Free Theatre, and The Bill Wilkins Scholarship.

Patrick Walter Brown was born in Toronto in 1978. His father, Edmond, raised in England and Ireland before immigrating to Canada with his family, grew up in North Bay. At university in Toronto, Ed Brown met Judy Tascona, a teacher-in-training from Barrie, and the couple married.
Patrick Brown’s mother is one of five children of Joe Tascona, who moved to the Barrie area in the 1940s and became known as car dealer “Honest Joe.” It was Honest Joe, says cousin Jeremy, who set the family ethos of work, education, accomplishment.
“If you look at our little family tree, it’s basically just a sea of overachievers,” says Outland, now CEO of Hatley. “Everybody had to outdo each other.”
Brown’s father was a social activist who, during the 1970 FLQ crisis, raised money for those detained under the War Measures Act. Shortly after Patrick was born, Ed ran for the NDP in the federal elections of 1979 and 1980 in Davenport. He was trounced twice. So Ed turned his attention to building a law practice while Judy rose from teacher to principal. They also added two girls to the family.

As his father recalls, the first inkling of Patrick’s future arose when he was assigned a grade school project on acid rain. Ever precocious, the boy wrote then prime minister Brian Mulroney with questions. He got back a handwritten letter, Ed says. “That sort of sparked an interest.”

Patrick Brown’s childhood sounds to have been full and happy. He can’t remember being in trouble as a boy, other than the odd hockey scrap. The Browns travelled regularly to visit relatives in the U.K. and Ireland. Holidays were educational and included visits to Second World War battlefields in France.
In 2000, before Brown graduated from university, he decided to exploit his maternal bloodlines. The Tasconas were well known in Barrie. In 1999, his uncle Joe Tascona Jr. was elected an MPP in the Mike Harris government. Brown, already a seasoned organizer, arrived from Toronto with an all-out blitz of a campaign and was elected to the first of two terms on Barrie council.
“He changed politics in Barrie,” says friend Kevin Bubel. “When I first met him, you could see the ambition. You could see it. You could feel it. It was palpable.”
In 2001, Brown entered law school, choosing the University of Windsor (where his dad had gone) because it allowed him to fly back and forth between Barrie to handle council work. He also worked as a summer student at Magna.
In 2004, Brown ran federally against Liberal Aileen Carroll, but lost. So in 2005, after being called to the bar, he put out a law shingle. He didn’t practise for long.
After the fall of the Liberal minority government in 2006, Brown said he intended to challenge Carroll again. His friends were wary about him trying to unseat a cabinet minister. “We were like, ‘Well, jeez, do you want to do it?’” says Bubel.
Brown did. This time, he won. And in the two elections since, he has won more convincingly each time.

Bubel, one of a group of friends who own a Barrie nightclub called the Bank, says that almost a decade as MP has added maturity and understanding to Brown’s native drive and intelligence.


Titus was born in Castro Valley, California, to Ken and Juanita C. (née Holmes) Titus. His parents divorced when he was a young child, and he was raised largely by his father, Ken, who had several relationships during his upbringing that provide comedic material for his routines. His mother suffered from manic-depression, schizophrenia as well as alcoholism and is also source material for his dialogues. She spent time in and out of mental hospitals. At the age of four, he was taken away from his father and given to his grandparents on his mother's side. His father planned to kidnap him back and inadvertently told a man about his plans who turned out to be a local district attorney. Rather than have him arrested, the attorney gave him legal tactics he could use to get his son back which he used and eventually regained custody of Christopher. When Christopher was 12, he ran away from his father to live with his mother, during which he lived in her garage, but he shortly moved back with his father.

According to Titus in Norman Rockwell is Bleeding, Juanita was acquitted of murder in 1986 after killing her second husband who beat her when he came home to find that she wasn't done cooking Thanksgiving dinner. Eight years later, Juanita committed suicide after marrying another abusive man and being sent to court-ordered therapy for hurling a Duraflame log through the window of a Missouri sheriff's office. This resulted in Titus having a nervous breakdown on his flight a week after her funeral. His father, Ken Titus, died in 2001 of cardiac arrest. Chris Titus dedicated his entire Norman Rockwell is Bleeding special and an episode of his show Titus ("The Pendulum," where Christopher is in a coma following a racecar crash and Ken [played by Stacy Keach] narrated the episode, "Christopher's Neutral Space") to his late father.[citation needed] Titus would claim that although his father "never missed a beer in his life, or a joint, or a party, or a chance to get laid," he also "never missed a day of work, or a house payment, or a car payment. I never went hungry although he did a couple times so I wouldn't".

Christopher Titus had problems with alcohol and drugs during adolescence until one day, while intoxicated, he fell into a bonfire at a beach party. In the morning, his friends took him to the hospital, where the doctor told him he would have died if he had inhaled the deadly hot smoke inside of the bonfire. He has called this moment his "epiphany" and began to turn his life around and get into comedy.

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