October 1, 2015

Saudi King is actor James Lipton

Saudi king is played by actor James Lipton!

Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud (present king)

Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud

And the Saudi king's half-brother, for whom he supposedly took over following his death due to pneumonia, was played by the same actor who played Leon Panetta, the 23rd Secretary of Defense of the United States!


  1. So this is why America didn't invade Saudi Arabia after 9/11.....

  2. i have James Lipton also as keshubai patel and carmine coppola.

  3. this is interesting, is he an american pretending to be saudi, or a saudi pretending to be american? maybe neither? to me it looks like the saudi royals have infiltrated the US government and are using their military to destroy saudi arabia's enemies in the middle east

  4. so does this mean saudis are secretly americans?
