June 5, 2015

A Brief History of Time Fraud: Stephen Hawking actor also played John Nash


  1. Everything in the science books is bullshit. We are taught fake science. The laws of physics do not work in the ways we have been told they do. For example, one theory I have seen is that gravity is actually caused by radiation from the sun.

  2. The Pythons are up to their necks in this but you've got to laugh at how they carry on, dropping tells as they go...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfcC6FYyL4U
    Wish John Cleese would re-write his script a bit though, i.e. get out of Europe, jail the banking scamsters and bring back the peseta. Queremos un España del tipo Verano Azul, no de los sueños de unos cuantos idiotas en Brusellas. Gracias Mariano ;)
