January 16, 2013

ADELE is Drew Barrymore

Skyfall:  This is the end... of the Adele character?


  1. On internet radio I heard this band called Of Monsters and Men. My first thought was that's just Bjork singing. Looked at some photos and there was a resemblance, but the age difference is given as 20+ years, so I dismissed it as coincidence. But if Drew is playing such a wide age range, I suppose bjork could as well. Can't stand Adele, thought she was studio tuned radio muzak.

  2. It's not just their acting which, in most cases, is suboptimal at best. It's really more the latex and the make-up artistry that ultimately makes or breaks these people (the latter of which, combined with the aforementioned acting skills, has tended to be increasingly the case ;)).

  3. SENTIENT NOW LUCIDMay 9, 2013 at 12:05 PM

    Barrymore is also: Aishwarya Rai:


  4. Take a good look at the head wench/witch behind most of them:

