March 12, 2012

Ron Paul is Sir Ian McKellen

Ron Paul's biggest financial supporter is a Bilderberger.

Ron Paul's Biggest Supporter Is A Bilderberger, International Financier

And not only that, but Ron Paul is a character played by a clown, aka, Sir Ian McKellen?

Who is Ron Paul? on Vimeo

Here you can clearly see that he is wearing fake eyebrows.  They tried to blame this on his "allergies"!  Hahahahahaha.

He delivered 4000 babies?  That's 0.7 babies per minute.  Please.  Stop the lies.


  1. "He delivered 4000 babies? That's 0.7 babies per minute."

    Lets see... 4000/.7=5714.285714285714 minutes
    and 5714.285714285714/60=95.23809523809524 hours
    and 95.23809523809524/24=3.968253968253968 days

    So was the claim 4000 babies in four days? Because that would be extraordinary.
    But lets say 10 delivers a week, which would be busy,but doable, then we're looking at a little over 7 and half years to do. That's actually about how long he was a private practice OBGYN before running for congress. The 4000 may or may not be inflated, but it's not outside the realm of possibility.

  2. Correct. But there must have been a reason for my statement. Look for proof of his medical career in Texas.

  3. All specialist medical doctors in the USA have to publish at least a few research papers before they become established, and some publish many papers, and these papers are accessible on PubMed ( However, in the case of the (fake) 'Ron Paul', there are NONE ! This is highly suspect, by itself. But, combined with the fact that his face, ears and teeth, match those of someone who is a genius at pretending, this becomes conclusive proof.

    Ian McKellen is a disgusting man who is in bad need of a shower and dental clean-up.
